The Wellesley Road and Park Lane project


中心市街地の鉄道、バス、オフィスエリア、小売エリアなどの非効率的な接続を改善するためWellesley Roadのデザイン提案を実施するもので、環境に配慮やまちの魅力向上/活性化が求められています。



The Vision for Wellesley Road by SMC Alsop (2007)

The gyratory system at the southern end of the Wellesley Road is the beginning of a stretch of dual carriageway that slices through the centre of town creating a barrier that is virtually impregnable. The traffic that uses this road is, on the whole, not stopping. Through traffic brings nothing but pollution to a town and should be diverted elsewhere. With through traffic gone, local traffic can travel easily up and down a two-way road, sharing with trams and buses. Underpasses and lengthy manoeuvres can be downsized to traffic lights and zebra crossings.

With the narrowing of the road and the disappearance of the underpass, there is the advantage of significant amounts of real estate becoming available along the new edge of the Wellesley Road, intensifying the urban profile that is needed. New buildings here would be significantly smaller scale, softening the currently too vertical edge of the street.




Big Dig完成から10年/ボストンのGI

